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The greatest legacies are not made of money or other material things but instead of character and faith. 

Our Summer Legacy Worship & Arts Camp 2024 was beautifully executed by our team of 30. We thank God for His guidance, presence, and protection throughout our two weeks in Uganda. We are also grateful to every donor, friend, church, or business community who prayed for us- your prayers were heard and effective!

Our time in Uganda concluded with a Celebration of Caleb, the Forever Healed One's life at the source of the Nile River.  Many of our Ugandan family and some international friends were in attendance.

It was a day filled with tears, joy, beautiful memories, & laughter! Caleb, the Forever Healed One, will always remain with us in our hearts, and his enduring impact, a beacon of hope, will persist as Reach Up Reach Out continues to change the lives of orphans & widows worldwide. 

Thank you for being on this journey with us. We believe that greater days lie ahead.

In Christ,

Alex, Shunna, Layla, and Caleb, the Forever Healed One


 A generous person will prosper;

 whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. ‭‭

Proverbs‬ ‭11:25


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